Monday, November 17, 2008

Starting the Thanksgiving Ritual

I went shopping yesterday. No, we went shopping. What is it about shopping with your partner for the holiday provisions and it ends up a cause for fighting rounds. The agitation not fight was over when was the best day to come because the traffic would be different and the shelves would be better stocked. See I don't drive(that's a conversation for another day) and when i was living in Philly I would do the bulk of it on my own. Here, I'm still not familiar with the store layout, I'm price comparison and coupon matching and you really don't want to hear "What you looking for?" and "I don't like shopping today because the shelves are picked bare." You know those termites. So I breathe and count to ten and breathe and count some more and remind myself this is your overreaction. I pulled myself together and almost made it through the store but i got annoyed. Why are all you people in the store. Isn't there a Redskins game. Go home people!(love me some Eagle seven though they really, really messed up in that game with the Bengals.) See look at me transferring to Redskins fans. So whats really bothering me. I feel out of place. Dependant. ill at ease. But, Thanksgiving dinner goes forward. I have people coming and I want those ingredients. Hopefully, I will have the rest of the items by Friday and the cooking will commence. We'll deal with my feelings later. Gotta go plan my next shopping trip. It will be better and on the appropriate day. Ha!


  1. Food shopping is an annoyance for me too---my grocery shopping errand 'friend' talks way too damn much too. I just want to get in, get done, and get out. And he's always suggesting products and then there's a 10 minute story behind EVERY product.

    i should really just learn to drive but i don't really want to.

  2. Ah hah! Now I know where terry gets this not driving thing :-)

  3. to Christina; I always loved public transportation. Actually my parents didn't drive and my maternal grandmother got her license at age 45. In the Philly area I traveled everywhere. Hey, I started at the age of 5 getting on two buses to go to school. I like the people and watching what was going on in the neighborhoods that the buses ran through. It was a community on the bus.You knew the driver and the regulars. It was fun. I live now in an area when my neighbors see me walking they think something is wrong. Amazing!
